Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Olde Brooklyn Root Beer

I probably should start out by observing that I have a thing for Brooklyn. My mother is from there, friends of mine live there. Brooklyn gave its name to the Brooklyn Bridge, and though Ebbet's Field is long gone, Brooklyn was the home of the Dodgers. So, when I found a root beer bearing that boro's name, it was a cinch that I would buy it and try it.

Unfortunately, the soda is a disappointment. Olde Brooklyn is lightly carbonated, which I have nothing against, and it isn't particularly syrupy, though it is sweetened with corn syrup. However, though the soda isn't watery, it still seems thin, somehow. Flavor is dominated by sweetness, though some wintergreen, and perhaps some other flavors are distinguishable. For those watching calories, but not intrested in diet sodas (and I don't blame you), Olde Brooklyn comes in at a low 120 Calories per 12 oz bottle.

Olde Brooklyn Root Beer comes in clear glass 12 oz beer bottles with clear plastic labels. Bottles are sold individually.

Grade: 5

120 Calories per 12oz = 10 Calories per ounce (low)
Kosher (OU)
$0.89 per bottle, plus deposit (Hastings A&P)
No website listed on bottle

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